Title: Create your own Government
Unit duration: 8-10 class periods (depends upon how much class time is given)
Grade level: 12th grade
Learning objectives:
Student will be able to analyze and explain the importance of the principles of democracy and the
inherent competition among values. For example: freedom and security, individual rights and
common good, general welfare, and rights and responsibilities.
Student will be able to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal
communication skills regarding the role and responsibilities of different levels and types
government. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
Student will be able to interpret information and draw conclusions about the origins of the
structures of America’s governmental institutions. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical
Thinking/Problem Solving)
Student will be able to apply knowledge of government to develop appropriate and workable
solutions that address complex local, state, national and global problems using interdisciplinary
perspectives. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
Essential Questions:
What are the most important democratic ideals and practices?
What are the various levels and roles of the U.S. system of government?
What would society look like if several landmark court cases had been decided differently?
How does government best protect individual rights and the rights of minorities, yet have majority
In what ways can you actively engage in American democracy and impact its system of government?
What would United States government look like with no checks and balances or another mix of
those limitations?
How has American federalism evolved and changed over time?
How has the concept of American Democracy developed throughout history?
How have domestic and foreign policy impacted American Democracy?
Colorado State Standards Addressed: (can be from any social studies content area)
High School Civics
4.7.1 - Express an understanding of how civic participation affects policy by applying the rights and
responsibilities of a citizen. Research and formulate positions on local, state, and national issues or
policies to participate in a civil society.
4.8.2 - Analyze the origins, structures, and functions of governments to evaluate the impact on
citizens and the global society. Purposes, roles and limitations of the structures and functions of
Lesson content and procedures:
Day 1: Teacher lead discussion/presentation on basic forms of government. Presentation covering
major government types (Monarchy, Theocracy, Oligarchy, Aristocracy, Democracy, Tyranny,
Representative Democracy, Dictatorship). Students complete worksheet highlighting major
components of each type of rule/government.
Day 2: Students locate countries around the world that have or had each type of rule. Completion
of notes to show work in finding various forms of rule/government around the world.
Day 3: Break into groups to compare/contrast types of rule. Positive and negative traits to each
type. Choose team leader to present to class. Listing details for each type of rule. How effective
each type is. Positive and negative aspects.
Day 4: Teacher lead discussion regarding all the details in running a country. Initial question: How
do you run a country? All of the items to consider: economics, foreign and domestic policy, trade,
taxes, military, social programs, elections, voting, our three branches).
Day 5: Students are presented with project to support basic forms of government. “Create your
own Government”. Students will work in groups of two or three. They will create their own
government. Handout. Students will present their country to their classmates. They will create a
flag, a constitution if they want and work out all the details they can as though they are the founding
fathers/mothers of their own country.
4-5 class periods to work in class.
2-3 class periods to present each country.
Students graded on facts, details their project as well as their presentation.
Step by step
Materials needed/notes
Day #1 / 50 minutes
*may take longer
depending upon your
Types of
Presentation covering
the six to seven
major types of
governments in the
Your presentation
highlighting major types of
rule / examples /
origins. How they rule.
Day #2 / 50 minutes
*could be two days
Students find
existing or in
history for the
major types of
Student can work in
groups or by
themselves locating
details and real life
countries that use or
have ruled by each of
those six to seven
You can create a
document or have students
electronically. Finding
details. Ruler, voting
problems. Taxation,
policies. success and
Day #3 / 50 minutes
Compare and
contrast types
of gov’t / rule
Teacher lead. Have
groups compare and
discuss their
findings. Sharing
their info and
building upon their
Break into groups based
upon their preferences or
their findings.
Reinforce them discussing
types of rule
Good and bad of the
different types of rule
Day #4 / 50 minutes
Create your
own Gov’t
revisit the past couple
days of discussion.
Talk about all the
details and work it
takes to create your
own government
Pass out guidelines
“create your own
three branches
layers of gov’t, taxes,
Day #5 / 50
*students can be given
class time to complete
this project (anywhere
from 3-5 class days)
Students then create a
presi or ppt and present
their country to their
Presentations can take
anywhere from 2-5 days
to get through as some
will take up to 20-30
minutes. I usually ask
that they have a slide for
each topic at a minimum
and/or their presentation
is at least 15-20 slides.
Create your
Students can work in
groups or on their
own to complete this
Two different handouts
are attached which reflect
general exceptions as well
as a general guide to
grading rubric
Teacher Name: Paul Herman
School: Roosevelt High School
Email: paul.[email protected]
Create your own Government Activity
Congratulations! You have started your own sovereign Nation. Before you can really get down to
business, you need to decide how your nation will be organized. In this assignment, you will create
and describe your new government to your citizens. Be sure to make your presentation neat,
detailed, and attractive You should make your people want to live in your country! Good luck!
Government Types to Choose From
Autocracy (Dictatorship)
Direct Democracy
Representative Democracy
Government Structures to Choose From
Must Include the Following Information
*The name of your country
*The country’s flag and explanation for its design
*What type of government your country has
*The structure of your government (Example: you may choose Theocracy as your type, with
Parliamentary structure. This would mean that your country bases its laws on a religious doctrine,
and makes decisions with a combined executive/legislative body)
*The definition of your government type and structure
*List 7 characteristics of your government type
- How do leaders become leaders?
- Who makes the decisions in the government?
- who holds power in this form of government?
- How are the people’s views taken into account?
- How does the government raise money?
- 2 more characteristics or facts about your government?
*What is one benefit of your country’s government?
*What is one drawback of your country’s government?
*Name a country in the world that has your type or structure of government.
**Make your presentation look creative, organized, and neat!**
Create Your Own Government
Spring Semester 2020
Instructions: You are the leader of your country. You are control of the ruling party under a
tentative agreement to create a working government. Your goal is to create a new government
for the country. In doing this you must:
1. Name your ruling party and the government.
2. Create a constitution that states the main characteristics of the government.
3. Structure an economic system to allow for the development of the country.
4. Decide how, who will vote, if anyone, and what requirement they must meet.
5. State how people’s rights or “interests” will be protected and how law and order will be
6. Outline and describe your foreign policy.
7. Outline and describe your domestic policy and its priorities.
8. Design and color your counties flag.
Things that you need to consider…
Health care Budget Interior Laws/rules
Social programs tax system trade/relations cabinet/politics
Education Relations Economy Military/protection
Civil rights Bill of rights Constitution Freedoms
Rule… Neighbors Jail system Punishment/Crime
Business/employment Commerce elections/system Currency
Technology Layers of Gov’t Man is good immigration
Congratulations! You have started your own sovereign Nation. Before you can really get down
to business, you need to decide how your state will be organized. In this assignment, you will
create and describe your new government to your citizens. Be sure to make your presentation
neat, detailed, and attractive You should make your people want to live in your country! Good
Government Types to Choose From
Autocracy (Dictatorship)
Direct Democracy
Representative Democracy
Government Structures to Choose From
Must Include the Following Information
*The name of your country
*The country’s flag and explanation for its design
*What type of government your country has
*The structure of your government (Example: you may choose Theocracy as your type, with
Parliamentary structure. This would mean that your country bases its laws on a religious
doctrine, and makes decisions with a combined executive/legislative body)
*The definition of your government type and structure
*List 7 characteristics of your government type
- How do leaders become leaders?
- Who makes the decisions in the government?
- who holds power in this form of government?
- How are the people’s views taken into account?
- How does the government raise money?
- 2 more characteristics or facts about your government?
*What is one benefit of your country’s government?
*What is one drawback of your country’s government?
*Name a country in the world that has your type or structure of government.
**Make your presentation look creative, organized, and neat!**
You are responsible for outlining and describing your own government/country. Use any
resources that you can find to help you define and understand the terms. You will be measured
/ graded on your detail and ability to show your understanding of government working and
functionality. Ask questions and create a detailed presentation. *School appropriate.
Class Period:______________________________
Rubric: Create your own government