RSO Constitution Template
How to Use This Template:
A constitution is a written document that establishes the rules and guiding procedures of an
organization. This template was created to help you write a constitution.
In the template below, you will find an outline of a generic constitution. In each section, there are
instructions on how to make this template your own. Words written in red are instructions.
Words written in blue are an example. Words in black must be included.
We recommend following these steps to write your constitution in a timely and efficient manner:
1. Hold an E-board meeting with the leaders of your organization specifically for writing
your constitution.
2. Establish who is responsible for completing the constitution and follow up with them
3. Go through this template section by section, filling in information appropriate to your
organization. Delete the instructions as you complete each part.
4. Once you have a drafted version of your constitution that all the E-board members are
happy with, consider bringing it before your members and receive any feedback they may
have to offer.
5. After all feedback has been addressed, you should create the last version of your
constitution to upload to our form on OrgCentral
Important Notes:
Please be sure to update the date on the enabling clause.
Delete this page before submission!
Need help? Email [email protected] or visit us in HUB 103 and ask for an Organization Consultant
Registered Student Org Name (OrgName)
Insert your organization’s official name as written on OrgCentral above.
Article I Name and Affiliation
i. Name
a. The official name of this organization shall be the Registered Student Org Name,
known herein as OrgName.
List the name of your organization. Follow the example.
ii. Affiliation
a. The OrgName is not affiliated with any national organization, it is local to the
University Park Campus.
If your RSO is affiliated with an off-campus entity, or on-campus department, list that here. You
can find your previous affiliation paperwork under your Documents section of your OrgCentral
Article II Mission Statement
i. The mission of this organization shall be to mentor students who are facing academic
probation or are struggling to meet the university academic requirements. We will
provide students with the necessary assistance to make their college experience an
enjoyable one.
Your mission statement is your purpose, what you exist to do. This highlights what your group
values and how it is different from other organizations
Article III Membership
i. Any Graduate or Undergraduate student at Penn State University Park is eligible to join
the OrgName.
You will determine any additional criteria for membership and list it after the above.
ii. An accurate listing of our members must be maintained on OrgCentral, with a minimum
of 10 student members
iii. Only University Park student members are eligible to hold officer positions, solicit funds,
and vote. Faculty/Staff, Alumni, or Community members are not permitted to make
decisions on behalf of the organization, solicit funds, or vote
iv. RSOs, following the University’s Non-Discrimination Policy will not discriminate
membership based on any protected class outlined at PSU Policy AD91
v. New Members and Recruitment
a. All new members will be given full disclosure during recruitment, including but
not limited to:
i. New Membership Manual (if applicable)
ii. Schedule of New Member Events and Activities (if applicable)
iii. A list of responsibilities
iv. A copy of the University Hazing policy, prescribed by Policies and Rules
for Student Organizations
b. All members reserve the right to refrain from participating in any activities
without consequence, based upon personal/religious beliefs, personal values, or
moral reserve as defined by the member.
c. All interaction/activity between members and/or new members will be limited to
guidelines stated by university policy, as well as local, state, and federal laws.
vi. Non-Hazing Compliance Statement
a. The OrgName and The Pennsylvania State University does not tolerate hazing.
Hazing is prohibited for any University recognized or sanctioned organization,
student, or other person associated with an organization operating under the
sanction of or recognized by the University.
b. Organizations or individuals found responsible for hazing under this Policy,
whether occurring on or off campus, will be subject to disciplinary action by the
University, and may also face criminal charges under state law, including The
Timothy J. Piazza Antihazing Law, 18. Pa. C.S. § 2801, et seq.
c. Annually, the OrgName will share the University Hazing Policy with the entire
membership, prescribed by Policies and Rules for Student Organizations.
vii. Membership Mediation
How do you handle conflict between members and member removal? Write out your process
below. You do not need to use the process outlined in the template text and can insert your own
a. In the case of violations of constitution policies and/or a conflict between
members, the highest-ranking officer not involved in the instance, with assistance
from the RSO Advisor (and/or Student Leadership and Involvement staff), will
facilitate a mediated conversation
b. The mediation will occur outside of a normal RSO meeting; include opportunities
for both parties to speak; allow facilitation of a resolution between members
viii. Membership Removal
a. Membership may be removed if a member is found to violate any proceedings or
fails to meet membership criteria outlined above
b. If a member is at-risk of removal, the President will have a meeting with the
Member to let them know of their at-risk status prior to removal and outline
immediate and sustainable changes that must occur to maintain membership
c. If a member fails to make the necessary changes, the executive board will vote on
removal and the outcome will be shared with the member in question
d. Officer removal/replacement is outlined in the Officers section
Article IV Officers
co-President and co-Treasurer are not permitted. President/Treasurer may not be held by the
same student at the same time
i. Executive Officers
a. PRESIDENT (required position)
i. Presides over all executive and membership meetings
ii. Always represent OrgName and all members in the best way possible
List the responsibilities and duties of the President, specific to your organization. Use a separate
bullet point for every duty.
a. TREASURER (required position)
iii. Keep financial records updated and accurate
iv. Balance OrgName’s financial transactions and all accounts with Penn
State Associated Student Activities (ASA account)
List the responsibilities and duties of the Treasurer, specific to your organization. Use a separate
bullet point for every duty.
b. EVENT PLANNER (required position)
vi. Create and manage events on behalf of the organization
vii. Works with staff and the university in the planning of events
viii. Serves as a resource within the organization regarding event planning and
List the responsibilities and duties of the Event Panner, specific to your organization. Use a
separate bullet point for every duty.
c. SAFETY OFFICER (if dance/physical activity RSO. If not delete this section)
ix. May be same student in other officer positions
x. Must be present at all RSO practices/performances when physical activity
is planned
xi. Must provide certificate of completion of Adult CPR/AED and Standard
First Aid from a University approved organization (American Red Cross,
American Heart Association, Emergency Care & Safety Institute)
xii. Must sign a “Safety Officer Acceptance of Responsibility” form
xiii. Will verify safety of facilities and equipment prior to activity and will
attend to any injured members
xiv. Will complete and submit a University Incident report/Accident report
form for any incidents/accidents that occur
d. INSTRUCTOR (if dance/physical activity RSO. If note delete this section)
xv. May be same student in other officer positions
xvi. Must be knowledgeable in RSOs style of activity
xvii. Will instruct all participants on proper techniques
xviii. Must sign “Instructor Acceptance Information” form
xix. If RSO is active outside of the academic year, the instructor must also be
present and participate in instruction
xx. Must provide certificate of completion of Adult CPR/AED and Standard
First Aid from a University approved organization (American Red Cross,
American Heart Association, Emergency Care & Safety Institute)
Does your organization have any other officers? Add their role and responsibilities in the
same format here.
ii. Election of Officers
a. Term of Office
i. Each Executive Officer position shall be elected once every academic year
in the Spring Semester
ii. The incoming officers shall serve from the Fall to Spring Semester of the
following academic year
How long is the term of your elected officers? Define the terms above.
b. Election Procedure
i. Elections shall be conducted electronically on OrgCentral no later than the
last week of classes in the Spring Semester preceding the beginning of
term of office. OrgCentral provides an opportunity for secure elections. /
Elections shall be conducted through a vote of all members present during
the announced election meeting
ii. No one involved in conducting the elections may be an official candidate
How will elections take place? How many votes are necessary to be elected? What other election
procedures do you use in your organization?
c. Officer Removal
i. If an officer is at-risk of removal for violating organizational policies or
culture, or a failure to complete their duties, the President and Advisor will
have a meeting with the Officer to let them know of their at-risk status
prior to removal and outline immediate and sustainable changes that must
occur to maintain an officer position. If the President is the officer at-risk
of removal, the next highest-ranking officer and advisor will meet with the
ii. If the changes are not met or sustained and an officer needs to be removed,
the Executive Leadership/Membership must have a discussion and vote
iii. The highest-ranking officer and advisor will notify the officer immediately
d. Officer Replacement
i. If an officer needs to step down, or has been removed outside of regular
election time, the OrgName Executive Board will appoint a replacement
officer / Will hold an election to replace the officer
How will officers be removed or replaced should they no longer be able to do their job? Expand
on the procedure in this section. Enter that procedure above.
Article V Operating Procedure
i. Meetings
a. A meeting of the OrgName shall be held no less than bi-monthly and no more
than weekly.
b. Adequate advance notice must be given to all student members.
How frequently will your organization hold meetings? Is there an attendance requirement for
certain rewards or recognitions? How will members be notified of meetings? Enter procedure
ii. Decision-Making Process
a. The Executive Board shall put-to-vote any decisions being made concerning the
general membership of the OrgName to the membership / executive leaders.
b. A Majority vote of all members (or exec) present constitutes a passing vote
How will decisions be made in your organization? How will decisions be shared to your
membership? Enter procedure above.
iii. Amending the Constitution and Bylaws
a. Amendments to this document may be made at any point at which the Executive
Board or membership sees fit to make changes / The constitution will be reviewed
How can this document be amended? Who can make amendments? When can amendments be
made? Enter procedure above.
b. Amendments must pass an affirmative vote following the Decision-Making
process above and be presented to the entire membership
c. All amendments must be submitted and approved by the Student Leadership &
Involvement Office as an updated constitution to ensure compliance with
university regulations
d. Constitution Renewals are due to the Student Leadership & Involvement Office
every 2 years but may be submitted sooner. Student Leadership & Involvement
will contact RSO leadership at the time of renewal
Article VI Advisors
i. Requirements of the Faculty/Staff Advisor
a. The advisor must be a full-time faculty/staff member on the University Park
Campus, selected by the Executive Board
b. If our organization has a Co-Advisor, that advisor may be a University Park
Campus faculty/staff member, or a current Graduate Assistant (GA) or Graduate
Teaching Assistant (TA), or a Non-PSU Community member affiliated with your
c. Co-Advisors are not required
ii. Duties of the Faculty/Staff Advisor
a. The advisor shall be available to mentor the students in the general membership
and assist them with procedures when necessary
b. Advisors/Co-Advisors do not have voting rights
c. Advisors/Co-Advisors may not conduct business on behalf of the organization
What are the duties/responsibilities of your advisor? Enter your advisor’s role above
Article VII Financial Statement
i. Finances
a. All organizational funds will be deposited and handled exclusively through the
Associated Student Activities (ASA) office in HUB 240
b. The RSO will not have an off-campus bank account
ii. Funding
a. The dues for members of the OrgName shall be no more than ten dollars a
semester to be collected by the second meeting after the Involvement Fair
b. The OrgName will hold fundraisers at a minimum of once a semester to bring in
additional funding on top of dues to be used to further our mission
c. The OrgName will submit for UPAC (University Park Allocation Committee)
funding at least 40 academic days in advance of any planned activities
Will your organization collect dues? How much? What can they be spent on? Who determines
how much the dues are? Will your organization fundraise? How often? Will you apply for UPAC
Funding? Enter above.
Article VIII Enabling Clause
i. This Constitution was reviewed and ratified by the Executive Board on October 15
2022, at a regular body meeting
ii. The entire membership and Executive Board have reviewed and agree to this document
Update the date to when you voted on this constitution.
Additional Procedures (if available)
If your RSO has additional procedures/bylaws, please include them here
Additional Information
if applicable delete any that do not pertain to your RSO
i. Safety Considerations for High-Risk RSOs Only (delete if not applicable)
a. No member will use any undue force in contact activities
b. Members will not use any weapons in conjunction with OrgName’s activities
c. All members will wear safety equipment as outlined in the Participation Waiver
during all OrgName activities
d. Members will sign and acknowledge the Participation Waiver as a condition of
e. Any violation of safety is grounds for immediate removal of membership
i. Contact with Minors for RSOs interacting with minors Only (delete if not applicable)
a. This RSO will abide by University policy AD-39 and AD-72
b. A designated officer (listed in Officers section above) will maintain all records
related to AD-39 and AD-72.
c. The designated officer will maintain a record of all member clearances
i. National Organization Recognition for RSOs affiliated with external entities Only
(delete if not applicable)
a. Documentation affirming national recognition has been provided to the Student
Leadership & Involvement Office
How to Submit:
RENEWALS on and scroll down under CAMPUS LINKS
NEW ORG Applicants on > Name Icon > Submissions > Org